New Work Chat

New Work Chat

#185 Sebastian Klein, Neue Narrative: Warum unsere Arbeitswelt ein Update braucht

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Sebastian bei Linkedin // Neue Narrative // Gabriel bei Linkedin // Eisbademeisters Spendenaktion //

Sebastian schreibt über sich selbst auf Linkedin:

I'm a serial entrepreneur and published author. My background is in psychology, and I've always been a reader and writer. 📚

My first job was in management consulting, which was pretty traumatizing. It taught me what life looks like when everything is just about money. And it taught me that this was definitely not what I wanted to do with my life. 🤑

After quitting my job and licking my wounds for a bit, I started starting my own companies. Some of them failed, some of them survived.

Among the not-so-successful endeavours: My friend Ben and I wanted to conquer the world with self-cooling scarves. We named them "Penguin Hugs", but we had no clue how to sell a product online. 🐧

In 2012, I founded Blinkist with 3 co-founders, based on my own interest in books and summarizing them. Actually, the Blinkist story had started much earlier: 2009, while still in uni, I started summarizing non-fiction books and sending the summaries out to friends via email. It took until 2012 until I'd gathered the courage and a team to actually start a company though. After we had fine-tuned the product and found a business model, I gave up my operational roles in 2016 and remained a shareholder until Blinkist was sold to Go1 in 2023.

From 2017 onwards, I helped build TheDive, a transformation consultancy and think tank, based in Berlin and Munich. At TheDive, I developed "The Loop Aaproach", a transformation framework. In 2019 I wrote a book about It, which is currently available in German, English, and Russian. 🎉

Since 2017 I've been working on Neue Narrative, which is a print magazine on the future of work. 📖

After initial success with the magazine, we founded NN Publishing in 2019, which is a self-organized, people-centric media company. We're steward-owned, and trying to figure out what the future or work looks like, in practice. 🤝

In 2018 I set up Karma Capital, an investment holding which focuses on business models with a positive impact on our planet and society.


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Über diesen Podcast

„You don’t have to listen to anyone, because in this new world, no one knows anything.“ Casey Neistat.

In meinem Podcast „New Work Chat“ interviewe ich spannende Köpfe rund um die Themen New Work, Kultur und Transformation.

Wie finden wir eine Arbeit, die uns erfüllt und einen Unterschied macht? Wie entwickeln wir unsere Unternehmen so, dass Mitarbeiter:innen dort gern arbeiten und einen besseren Job machen?

Und: Wie vereinbaren wir unsere Familie mit unserer Arbeit? Das interessiert mich als #Dadof3Girls besonders.

Ob bei einem Startup, einer Agentur oder einer Kommune. Hauptsache, wir bewegen was, experimentieren und teilen, was wir lernen. Hauptsache wir gestalten heute eine Welt, in der unsere Kinder Arbeit nicht mehr als milde Krankheit, sondern als sinnvolle Aufgabe sehen.

Den Podcast gibt´s bei Podigee, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Deezer, Google & Co.

Neue Folgen erscheinen wöchentlich Freitags um 6:00 Uhr. Tune in!

von und mit Gabriel Rath


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